A Who's Who of the Milo Ensemble...
MILO BROWN Editorial cartoonist at the Daily Bugle newspaper. Prone to insecurity, self-doubt and flights of fantasy. |
SASHA DAVIES TV News reporter and anchorwoman. Glamorous and ambitious, Sasha is always aiming for the big scoop that will win her this year's Media Award. But somehow things never quite turn out the way she expects, especially if Milo is involved. |
SUE and JOE Milo's colleagues at the Daily Bugle. Sue is an ever-practical mother of two. Joe is always trying to be up with the latest lifestyle trends. |
Sir ROLAND McPILLAGE Corporate high-flyer, member of the Business Roundtable and numerous New Right think-tanks. |
Hon. NEVILLE NORVILLE, M.P. The Minister of Public Hygiene, fresh off the NZ First party list, thoroughly lost in the world of Machiavellian realpolitik, pictured here with Dr. Theodore Geisel, parliamentary psychologist. |
Hon. "FINGERS" FINCHLEY, M.P. A veteran cabinet minister and master of the cover-up and the 'spin'... Pictured with his parliamentary undersecretaries, Lefty and Moe. |
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