Recently got back from a really enjoyable trip to Gainesville, Florida, where I attended two linked conferences at the University of Florida:
Space and Community and Seriality and History. The shared theme was Worldbuilding, and the conferences looked at games, digital media, comics and graphic novels. Totally up my alley, in short. Had a great time, thanks to the conference organisers, other guests and participants, including Dr. Donald Ault, Jeff Smith, Tom Hart, Leela Corman, Steph Boluk, Travis Fristoe, Jeff Mason and the whole UF gang. I discovered 'Alternate Reality Games,' had some great conversations about gaming, digital art, fiction and, of course, comics, with all kinds of fascinating people, and ate some terrific pan-Asian meals! Even got to play a very entertaining and fascinating one-off RPG run by Tof Eklund, which kept us all guessing right up to the end, and has led to many interesting discussions with other RPGers since. So thanks again, guys, for such a fun and stimulating working holiday in the most alligator-infested university I've ever had the privilege to visit...!